Week 5: Deviance

Sociological perspectives offer us various ways for interpreting the same thing. For this week, find an example of deviant behavior in the news and include it, or an image representing the story, in your blog.  This can be a person or people breaking the law, or any other kind of risky or deviant behavior. 

Then, offer your own interpretation using one of the sociological perspectives, as to why you think this person/group of people engaged in the kind of behavior they did. Some recent examples of deviance in news media stories you might want to consider include:
-the recent violent beatings of Asians on behalf of Black youth
-the child sex abuse scandals on behalf of Catholic priests and officials
-stories about illegal immigration
-Dishonest business practices on behalf of Goldman-Sachs

These are just a few examples to get you started but don't feel limited by them.